Eye Disease Diagnosis & Management
in La Mesa

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Committed to Your Eye Health

At La Mesa Optometry, our doctors are equipped to detect, monitor, and treat eye diseases like glaucoma, cataracts, and age-related macular degeneration (AMD). 

Eye disease can appear in many forms, and we’re committed to preserving your long-term eye health. Consistent and frequent eye exams can help our doctors detect developing eye diseases early and prepare a personalized treatment plan for your visual needs.

Contact us to schedule an appointment and get a comprehensive eye health and vision check-up.

A Focus on Early Detection & Treatment

At La Mesa Optometry, we believe in proactive eye care. We emphasize early detection and treatment when it comes to the early signs of eye disease through comprehensive eye exams.

Our doctors believe in keeping you informed, educated, and comfortable throughout the process. Many forms of eye disease start out with little to no symptoms so consistency is key when it comes to your vision check-ups.

Eye disease management starts with an early diagnosis—visit us for your personalized eye exam today.

Different Forms of Eye Disease

Understanding the different forms of eye disease can help you recognize early signs and schedule an eye exam to begin the diagnosis and treatment process.

Glaucoma is a group of eye conditions that cause damage to the optic nerve and can lead to vision loss and blindness. The optic nerve plays a vital role in your sight, as it carries the information your retina receives to your brain, providing vision.

Common signs and symptoms of glaucoma can include:

  • Patchy blind spots in peripheral vision
  • Severe headaches
  • Blurred vision
  • Tunnel vision (in advanced stages)

Damage from glaucoma can be caused by high pressure in the eye, known as intraocular pressure. However, it can also develop with normal intraocular pressure levels.

At La Mesa Optometry, our doctors use diagnostic technology to help manage glaucoma:

Cataracts develop when the normally clear lens of the eye becomes clouded. Light enters your eye through the lens before it is processed and sent to your brain. Cataract formation begins when proteins clump together in the lens, preventing clear images from passing through to the back of the eye.

Most cataracts develop in people over the age of 55, but in rare cases, they can develop at a younger age.

Common signs and symptoms of cataracts can include:

  • Sensitivity to light and glare
  • Colors appearing faded or yellow
  • Cloudy, blurred, or dim vision

Corrective prescription lenses can help provide clear vision in the early stages of cataract development. However, when cataracts begin affecting your daily life and prevent you from going about your daily activities—surgery is the only option to remove them.

Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is a vision condition that damages the macula, which is responsible for central vision. AMD is a progressive condition and a leading cause of vision loss among older adults.

There are 2 main types of AMD:

  • Dry AMD is the more common form of the disease and happens in early, intermediate, and late stages. Dry AMD usually progresses over several years and results from the macula thinning with age.
  • Wet AMD is the less common form of the disease and results in faster and more severe vision loss. Wet AMD occurs when abnormal blood vessels grow in the back of the eye and cause damage to the macula. This damage is caused by abnormal blood vessels leaking fluid or blood into the macula.

Our doctors will check for AMD through a dilated eye exam. A dilated eye exam differs from a regular eye exam and allows more light into the eye. A dilated eye exam allows us to get a more detailed look at your eyes to check for AMD and other issues.

Prevention methods like giving up smoking and switching to a healthier diet can help slow the progression of the disease.

Your Eye Health Comes First

At La Mesa Optometry, we’re committed to preserving your eye health. Our doctors help you navigate, manage, and treat different forms of eye disease through early detection and treatment.

Contact us to schedule an appointment and check for any signs of eye disease today.

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Our Locations

Heights Optometry

  • 3404 Adams Ave
  • San Diego, CA 92116

North Park Optometry

  • 3068 University Ave
  • San Diego, CA 92104

La Mesa Optometry

  • 8321 La Mesa Blvd
  • La Mesa, CA 91942

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