Family focused eye care in La Mesa

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Personalized Eye Care in the Jewel of the Hills

Nothing quite compares to the beauty and comfort of home, especially when “home” is in La Mesa, CA.

At La Mesa Optometry, we want to give you the best view of your home. We’re proud to offer comprehensive eye care services for all ages. We know that clear, comfortable vision is important at every stage of life.

We’ll be with you the whole way. Book your appointment today.

Our Mission

At La Mesa Optometry, we believe that your eye exam is more than just getting glasses and contacts prescriptions.

Our doctors are committed to providing comprehensive eye health evaluations so they can prescribe the best type of visual correction available.

We believe in a thorough eye health evaluation through advanced retinal photography and dilation. We feel that this is the most important part of the examination.

Our doctors are highly trained to recognized all these conditions and work closely with your regular primary care doctor and other eye specialists to make sure your eyes get the care they need and deserve.

Meet Your Doctors

Dr. Meredith Walton

Dr. Meredith Walton

O.D. & Owner

Dr. Chantelle Davis

Dr. Chantelle Davis


Dr. Rachel Lee

Dr. Rachel Lee


Our Brands

Brands We Carry

Our Locations

Heights Optometry

  • 3404 Adams Ave
  • San Diego, CA 92116

North Park Optometry

  • 3068 University Ave
  • San Diego, CA 92104

La Mesa Optometry

  • 8321 La Mesa Blvd
  • La Mesa, CA 91942

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